Category: News

Day 1!

Today is the first day of classes for the new school year at @DePaulBusiness! I’m excited to meet my students and start my undergrad #crypto class. Spending time with young people always opens my eyes to new perspectives. — Lamont Black (@lamontkblack) September 6, 2023

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plan for passive investors

Plan for Passive Investors. If you want to get the best out of Crypto as a passive participant, I would suggest to. 1. Earn yields on stables. Around 10-14% is easily doable.2. Dollar Cost average Ethereum whenever you can. That's a very good long term plan. Trust me. — Emperor👑 (@EmperorBTC) June 20, 2022

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3 Arrow Capital Liquidated on AAVE

3 Arrow Capital borrowed a total of 190 Million Dollars from AAVE. They Kept 245 Million Dollars of Ethereum as Collateral for this loan. If Ethereum goes 1034 dollars, their holdings will be liquidated. AAVE can't do anything about it as it's decentralised. — Emperor👑 (@EmperorBTC) June 15, 2022 seems like its liquidated already — […]

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update from emperor

update from emperor

2018 Dump was caused by Retail getting burnt. 2022 Dump is being caused by institutions getting burnt. This time its truly different. I will tell you when the bottom is in sight. — Emperor👑 (@EmperorBTC) June 14, 2022 The Market Bottoms when there's no one left to Capitulate. When there's no longer a larger advertisement […]

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